Total contributions the site has collected so far   £ 22,018.13

Goal amount for this month: 30 GBP, Received: 0 GBP (0%)

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software licensing fees, and maintenance costs Only!

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Added Benefits From Contributing
We like to provide our donators and VIPs a benefit right to show our appreciation and support for assisting [APG]. However we advise you to make sure you stick to our MOTD and avoid any aggressive incompetent stunts on our servers as that will result on the reserved access and VIP admin revoked. Remember, your money is your choice and so is your VIP admin. This doesn't mean you get to do any supreme sinister stunts like being high or mighty or making threats like "I will kick/ban you" as those aren't appropriate and not tolerated in [APG]. We are a friendly and respectable clan and do what is right to avoid anything offensive or any illegal activities. Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy it here in [APG] and for supporting us with your donations and unique assistance!

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We're PayPal Verified!
Q. What does it mean to be Verified?
A. A Verified seller has provided additional evidence of their identity to PayPal by passing key security checks and completing the PayPal Verification process. Verification increases the overall security of the PayPal network because most buyers prefer to do business with Verified sellers.

Q. How does someone become Verified?
A. The Verification process varies somewhat from country to country.
In the US, a Verified member has either added and confirmed a bank account with PayPal or received approval for a PayPal Plus credit card. Protection Status tested by Norton Internet Security tested by McAfee Internet Security

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